
article_detail Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /reseau/groupes/secteur-audiovisuel/construire-des-conditions-d-acces-de-visibilite-et-de-reutilisation-d-archives-en-ligne
# Route name Path Log
1 admin /console Path does not match
2 profil /profil Path does not match
3 profil_pro /profil_pro Path does not match
4 profil_notif /profil_notif Path does not match
5 profil_adhesion /profil_adhesion Path does not match
6 profil_publications /profil/publications Path does not match
7 profil_connexion /profil_connexion Path does not match
8 profil_entreprise /profil_entreprise Path does not match
9 reinit_password /profil/definir-mot-de-passe Path does not match
10 envoi_invitation /profil/ajax/envoi_invitation Path does not match
11 edit_beneficiaire_email /profil/ajax/edit_beneficiaire_email Path does not match
12 app_login /login Path does not match
13 app_logout /logout Path does not match
14 stripe_webhook /stripe/webhook Path does not match
15 demande_password /profil/demande-mot-de-passe Path does not match
16 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
17 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
18 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
19 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
20 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
21 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
22 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
23 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
24 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
25 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
26 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
27 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
28 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
29 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
30 calendar_events /calendar/events Path does not match
31 cr_commenter /ajax/compterendu/commenter Path does not match
32 article_commenter /ajax/article/commenter Path does not match
33 evenement_commenter /ajax/evenement/commenter Path does not match
34 app_error /erreur Path does not match
35 admin_forum /admin/forum Path does not match
36 admin_forum_edit /console/forum/edit/{id} Path does not match
37 admin_forum_add /console/forum/add Path does not match
38 admin_forum_remove /console/forum/delete/{forum_id} Path does not match
39 admin_forum_report /console/forum/report Path does not match
40 admin_forum_report_history /console/forum/report/history Path does not match
41 admin_forum_report_action_good /console/forum/reportaction/good Path does not match
42 admin_forum_report_action_moderate /console/forum/reportaction/moderate Path does not match
43 admin_forum_rules /console/forum/rules Path does not match
44 admin_forum_rules_edit /console/forum/rules/edit/{lang} Path does not match
45 admin_forum_rules_new /console/forum/rules/new/{lang} Path does not match
46 admin_forum_users /console/forum/users Path does not match
47 index_forum /forum Path does not match
48 subforum_view /{forum_slug}/{subforum_slug}/view Path does not match
49 forum_voteup /forum/voteup Path does not match
50 forum_search /forum/search Path does not match
51 forum_thread /{forum_slug}/{subforum_slug}/{thread_slug}/view Path does not match
52 forum_new_thread /{forum_slug}/{subforum_slug}/new Path does not match
53 forum_resolve_thread /{forum_slug}/{subforum_slug}/{thread_slug}/resolved Path does not match
54 forum_pin_thread /{forum_slug}/{subforum_slug}/{thread_slug}/pin Path does not match
55 forum_unpin_thread /{forum_slug}/{subforum_slug}/{thread_slug}/unpin Path does not match
56 forum_report_post /{forum_slug}/{subforum_slug}/report/{post} Path does not match
57 forum_remove_thread /{forum_slug}/{subforum_slug}/deletethread/{thread_slug} Path does not match
58 forum_lock_thread /{forum_slug}/{subforum_slug}/{thread_slug}/lock Path does not match
59 forum_move_thread /{forum_slug}/movethread Path does not match
60 forum_cancel_subscription /{forum_slug}/{subforum_slug}/cancelsubscription/{thread_slug} Path does not match
61 forum_add_subscription /{forum_slug}/{subforum_slug}/addsubscription/{thread_slug} Path does not match
62 app_import /import Path does not match
63 app_home / Path does not match
64 generer_code /generer_code Path does not match
65 generate_code_siren /generate_code_siren Path does not match
66 page_static /plan-du-site Path does not match
67 plandusite_xml /sitemap.xml Path does not match
68 test_webhook /test_webhook Path does not match
69 groupe_abonnement /groupe/abonnement Path does not match
70 app_recherche /recherche Path does not match
71 contact /contact Path does not match
72 contact_confirmation /contact_confirmation Path does not match
73 newsletter /newsletter Path does not match
74 newsletter_confirmation /newsletter_confirmation Path does not match
75 page_ladbs /ladbs Path does not match
76 page_emplois /emplois Path does not match
77 page_reseau /reseau Path does not match
78 page_formations /formations Path does not match
79 page_publications /publications Path does not match
80 proposition_emplois_confirmation /emplois/proposer-une-offre/confirmation Path does not match
81 emploi_proposer_une_offre /emplois/proposer-une-offre Path does not match
82 temoignages_de_pro /emplois/temoignages-de-pro Path does not match
83 page_emploi_detail /emplois/{alias} Path does not match
84 formations_presinscription /formations/presinscription Path does not match
85 formations_presinscription_success /formations/presinscription/success Path does not match
86 formations_sessions /formations/prochaines-sessions Path does not match
87 page_formations_detail /formations/{alias} Path does not match
88 page_communiques /ladbs/communiques Path does not match
89 page_communiques_rss /ladbs/communiques/rss Path does not match
90 page_communiques_detail /ladbs/communiques/{alias} Path does not match
91 page_portraits_de_benevoles /ladbs/portraits Path does not match
92 portraits_de_benevoles_detail /ladbs/portraits/{alias} Path does not match
93 publications_ressources /publications/videos Path does not match
94 publications_ouvrages /publications/ouvrages Path does not match
95 publications_ouvrages_detail /publications/ouvrages/{alias} Path does not match
96 publications_numeros /publications/acces-a-la-revue-i2d Path does not match
97 publications_numeros_detail /publications/acces-a-la-revue-i2d/{alias} Path does not match
98 publications_newsletters /publications/newsletters Path does not match
99 publications_newsletter_detail /publications/newsletters/{alias} Path does not match
100 publications_glossaire /publications/glossaire Path does not match
101 groupes /reseau/groupes Path does not match
102 compterendus /reseau/compterendus Path does not match
103 evenements /reseau/evenements Path does not match
104 evenements_filtres /reseau/evenements/{type} Path does not match
105 articles /reseau/articles Path does not match
106 forum_nouvelle_question /reseau/articles/nouvelle-question Path does not match
107 forum_nouvelle_question_confirmation /reseau/articles/nouvelle-question/confirmation Path does not match
108 articles_filtre /reseau/articles/{type} Path does not match
109 thematiques /reseau/thematiques Path does not match
110 thematiques_detail /reseau/thematiques/{alias} Path does not match
111 groupes_detail /reseau/groupes/{alias} Path does not match
112 groupe_rss /reseau/groupes/{alias}/rss Path does not match
113 article_detail /reseau/groupes/{alias_groupe}/{alias_article} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.